About Us
HMTX Cares raises funds to fight the disease of addiction and co-occurring mental illness.
HMTX Cares (formerly the Halstead/Metroflor Addiction Crisis Charity – HMAC) is a charity organization dedicated to supporting facilities that provide rehabilitation, education and hope for those suffering from Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders (SADs), which afflict an alarming and increasing number of Americans each year.
Our Mission
Originally conceived in 2019, the initial mission of HMTX Cares was to raise funds to fight
the disease of addiction, which has grown to epic proportions during the pandemic and is often exacerbated by co-occurring mental illness. In 2021, HMTX Cares expanded its focus to encompass mental health as an important part of its mission, as addiction and mental illness often go in tandem to destroy lives and even lead to death through overdose or suicide.
The goal is to provide rehabilitation "scholarships" and support to families who otherwise would not be financially able to help save their loved one suffering from Substance Addiction Disorders (SAD's)
or a co-existing mental disorder.
Mental health and the disease of addiction are inextricably related. More than 37% of people struggling with substance abuse disorders also suffer from major mental health problems, made much worse by
the pandemic lockdowns. We have turned our efforts toward this cause because it not only affects the individual suffering from these disorders, but it ultimately tears apart the entire family.
With the mission to generate $500,000 through fundraising activities, the money raised will be fully matched by HMTX Industries.
“Mental health… is not a destination but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”
— Noam Shpancer
What We’ve Accomplished So Far
Pre-pandemic fundraising events began in 2019 and included, Top Golf in Atlanta, GA, The Path to Resilience Event in Norwalk, CT, and a February 2020 Concert in Cartersville, GA.
The group persevered in 2020 despite COVID with a series of virtual and live/virtual fundraisers in October/December 2020 and also in 2021:
BEYOND THE END ZONE – Co-fundraiser with Davis Direction, Oct. 2020, Marietta, GA
BIG BANG EVENT – May 2021, Cartersville, GA
GOLF TOURNAMENT – Nov. 2021, Calhoun, GA